Management is responsible for ensuring that all safety and health policies and procedures are clearly communicated and understood by all employees. Managers and supervisors are expected to enforce the rules fairly and uniformly.4
All employees are responsible for using safe work practices, for following all directives, policies and procedures, and for assisting in maintaining a safe work environment.
The system of ensuring that all workers comply with the rules and maintain a safe work environment includes the following:
1. Informing workers of the provisions of this Site-Specific Safety Manual.
2. Evaluating the safety performance of all workers.
3. Recognizing employees who perform safe and healthful work practices.
4. Providing training to workers whose safety performance is deficient.
Preparing the Investigative Report
Accurate records of accidents or near misses are essential to an efficient and successful accident investigation and analysis program. Well-documented accident investigations will contain information that can be used to transform haphazard, costly, and ineffective work into a planned safety program. The investigation should point to the cause, if should indicate such things as:
1. At what point did the system break down?
2. Were rules and regulations violated?
3. Did poor layout of the job, process, or operation contribute to the accident?
4. What human or environmental factors contribute to the accident?